Course Schedule - Instructions
How do I find the current course listing?
- This instructional document has been created to assist you in viewing the most current up to date course offerings each semester.
- To access the most current course listing for each semester, please access your PORTAL from the UNA home page:
- Once you click on the PORTAL link from the UNA website, it will take you into the following screen, click EMPLOYEE
- Next click on the below link BANNER SELF SERVICE:
- Once you click on Banner Self –Service, a list of other links will appear, click on the FACULTY AND ADVISORS link:
- Once you click on the Faculty and Advisors link, a list of additional links will appear, click on the CLASS SCHEDULE link
- You will then select the below drop down box and select your TERM (Fall 2018, Spring 2019) and hit submit:
- Once you select your TERM and hit submit, the below will appear. This gives you many options on how to see the course offerings for each particular term. You can view by a certain subject, instructional method, class level, Part of term, start time, end time , days of the week. Many possibilities! I will go over the most common ways to retrieve the information you are seeking:
- In the below scenario, I have selected ACCOUNTING to view ALL accounting courses offered for the term:
- The below is the outcome from selecting ACCOUNTING only courses:
- What if I want to find all the sections for a particular course? You would select the SUBJECT and input the COURSE NUMBER:
- Below is the outcome of selecting the subject and course number, all sections are listed:
- What if you want to review the entire course offering for the semester? You will place your mouse inside the box, hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard and hit the letter”A” this will highlight the entire box and select all the subjects. The outcome will be a list of all course offerings and sections in alpha order
- Below is the outcome (section) of selecting ALL subject codes as shown above.
- How do I find all what business law courses are offered for full term for Fall 2018? You select the SUBJECT, instructional method=ALL, and Part of Term=Full Term.
- Below is the outcome from the above criteria. You see sections for BL 240 and BL 460P
- Once you find your course, you can see the specifics of that course: dates of registration, credit hours, time, days of the week offered, dates range of course offering, instructor. To get enrollment information you would click on the title of the course.
- Office of the Registrar
- Wendell W. Gunn Commons Building, 2nd Floor